I found this while doing some family research on google last night. (looks like I'll have to go to the library for that though.... ugh) I happened to find it while reading
Brigid's post and it almost made me cry.
To top it off I found Aunt Syl's old radio (clear, with these cool colored tubes) in my closet a few days ago while cleaning through stuff. It reminded me of other mementos of her that I've misplaced over the years.
She passed in 1996 when I was 11 and I can still remember perfectly the day of the funeral, the image of the gravestone and gravesite, and how things were for a while afterwards. I only wish my memories of her were still that sharp and not to faded. I wish she'd been around more often, or that we'd taken trips up to Michigan & Illinois to visit.
Of everyone on Mom's side of the family she was the most like me. Blunt, opinionated and not particularly passive. A stark contrast to her sisters. In many ways she was to my mom & aunt Arleen what I am to my sisters.
I miss her.