A happy day for Windows Mobile users

Feb 07, 2007 03:00

I knew I got this PDA/Phone for a reason. I was so disappointed when Google's crappy Java mobile-Google Map service didn't work on Windows Mobile phones. I've been falling behind on my Engadget reading.... and I caught up just now.

Finally Google came out with the Windows Mobile map service, I just installed it on my PDA and it is absolutely AMAZING. Nothing less than that. I mean, wow, it's great. I'm gonna be using it all the time.

Just as awesome though, this company JGUI came out with a Vista Skin for Windows Mobile. Now, I usually couldn't give a shit less about skins... but this like cleans up so many of the issues with the User Interface on Windows Mobile. The freeware version is pretty nice, and I'm thinking I may fork out the $25 (the first time I'll be paying for software for my PDA) for the entire setup because it improves on it so much. It makes Crossbow (the new Windows Mobile release coming out) look like nothing. Then again, Crossbow is purely an intermittent release. We've gotta wait a year for the new interface which I think will probably be putting Apple and it's iPhone in 2nd place by far. I can't wait till we hear more about that in 9 months or so.

I'm happier with my purchase now than I have been since getting it. Yay!
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