The Start Of A Glorious Summer

May 06, 2005 09:01

70 days 'til Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"!!!

I discovered the other day that studying for a final can pay off. I killed that mo-fo like it owed me a couple G's. (Sorry, but somehow 50 Cent has made his way to my speakers. Hopefully soon it will change to another song.) But yeah, I did exceptionally well on my final, I feel. I also made up a test that missed, and I don't think I did as well on it. But as long as I pass that god-forsaken Physical Geography, I'll be happy.

Jessica and I were supposed to have lunch yesterday. But once again all I could get ahold of was her voice mail. (I'm guessing that she's hitting the worst part of her bronchitis.) So I went where I knew I was wanted: John and Leslie's. We finally moved the last of her stuff from my parents' boat lock-up to her apartment (after a drive past 2 sheriffs, a city police car, and the po-po department. Why do I mention this? Because I moved furniture that was not properly tied down. But seriously, what more could they do than warn me?) Anyway, after that, I was introduced to High Fidelity (excellent movie, by the way. As I say this like 5 years after it was made.) and snicker-doodles (mmm... :-p).

At 7, it was the one act festival at CHS (where I saw Janae for the first time since she moved back from school in Provo, Utah) followed by going out and drinking in the woods with Tim, Brittany, Chad, and Emily Nichelson (who I haven't seen in ages).

And here I sit, with just the ever so slightest hangover and the fact that I have to be at work at about an hour. Good times.

Oh! And the other day I went and got the new Mac OS 10.4. It's nice. I'm now a widget fiend on the Mac. If you're looking to upgrade your Mac, give me a holla and I'll fix a brotha' (or sista') up.
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