glimpse of my day...

Dec 05, 2004 22:19

mikethecoder: so this girl in a wheelchair comes in the store
mikethecoder: hard to tell her age i guessed 16 maybe
mikethecoder: and i asked if she needs help
mikethecoder: i didnt wana ignore her she was alone and stuff
mikethecoder: figured she may need help reaching stuff or whatever
mikethecoder: and shes like yea i need to find movies follow me
mikethecoder: and she sounded retarded too
mikethecoder: just things she said not as much how she said it
mikethecoder: and she was leading me and im like whatd u need and shes like follow me just follow me stupid or something
mikethecoder: and im like uhh yeaa okay... wehatever...figuring shes retarded so whatever - but i still found the whole thing odd though
mikethecoder: then she kept habving me find her stuff and shes like no i dont want it and put it wherever she could reach
mikethecoder: if we didnt have something she like curled herself up and looked like she was gona cry or freak out - and something about how she acted just didnt seem right but i couldnt do anything really other than help her cuz i didnt know what her deal was
mikethecoder: i was just thinking it had to be a joke she was just like follow me and nooo not this and nooo to this and that
mikethecoder: in family im like u should get ninja turtles thats a good show and shes like no thats for fag boys or soemthign - and im like no its not its a good show for anyone and she looks at me and shes like eya but that might explain a lot or soemthing
mikethecoder: and i said i had to help someone aka jim to talk to him about her and said id be back - she pretended to have a fit/cry but i left anyway
mikethecoder: and im like jim who the fuck did this handicapped girl come in with
mikethecoder: and he said no one
mikethecoder: and im like who is she
mikethecoder: and he said she works in the mall
mikethecoder: my response was what the fuck do u mean she works in the mall
mikethecoder: he said at the new stocking stand by the verizon place
mikethecoder: and i told him the story so far and hes like well shes fucking with u then so throw her ass out and call security if neeed be and im telling her grandmom
mikethecoder: yea she aws fucking pretended
mikethecoder: pretending*
mikethecoder: to be handicapped and retarded
mikethecoder: i told her to leave and she refused saying shes gona tell on me and say this and that - and im like look get the hell out of this store right now and shes like why shoud i i wana buy gum and im just like no ur leaving
mikethecoder: jim said she told her grandmom who believed him tho the girl denied it
mikethecoder: she came back in and im just like look get the fuck out now seriously
mikethecoder: and she said shes telling and im like yea thats fine cuz no one will believe u now get the fuck out
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