Well let's see, i guess my morning started off OK, cuz my mom didn't keep me from getting on the computer like she said she was going to. But then again i had no cigarettes, oh wait, i still fucking don't. I am so god damn ill, i need a fucking cigarette so bad and i went over the Jennifers this afternoon and asked her to buy me a pack and she said she would when she woke up. Well her fucking bitch ass woke the fuck up and LEFT, i ought to bash her god damn face in. Right now i feel like i could hurt anyone. I did have fun working on Meg's
angelbayb webpage. I finally got it done, i had started on it last night, and i couldnt get it to look right. So i worked on it from like 11 this morning until like i guess 2:30 this afternoon. That kinda kept me occupied so i didn't worry about the whole cigarette ordeal. But i say here and waited for Jennifer and then i walk to the door to go back over there and she fucking left, so then i just burst into tears, which im still in now, because i don't know what else to do. I have no one else to get them for me, because no ones bitch ass will help. Grrrr....ok imma, and if Jennifer comes back sometime here soon, she is GOING to buy me some cigarettes....