Where most relationships we have with our direct sources give us quality items as soon as they are available, some of those relationships can be a bit more...involved. Such is the case of our more recent dealings with Obverse Books.
In trying to focus on the means of making copies of their book offerings more affordable for the US market, (which we feel has been a total success,) we had to also take a little time in working through some details.
But, we've finally sorted out an initial shipment, with the expectation of more rapid re-supply in the future.
We know some of you were expecting us to stock copies of these titles quite some time ago, especially the Iris Wildthyme and Faction Paradox books. And, we certainly tried to do so. But, at times, the supplier can only handle so much at once, so we needed to be patient for a time. Still, we know you readers of Obverse's offerings will find it's been worth the wait, and, again, our pricing will beat competitors on these books, while saving you some complications and costs from buying them from the reputable merchants who have them overseas.
For the horror and mystery offerings from Obverse Books, not currently listed on our site, please feel free also to inquire with us, or to our sister operation, Annie's Book Stop of Worcester (anniesbooksworcester.com) to see what we have available. As many of those titles are a perfect fit with a traditional bookstore operation, we're seeing first how they sell at a traditional bookstore!
As always, thank you for your support.
Michael Salvo & Patty Cryan
Mike's Comics