i know in my last entry i said i wasnt gonna let kyle make me sad or anything but i lied because in the past 2 days i havent seen him or talked to him not once, he hasnt bothered to call me not one time i called him but he never called back he never told me happy easter, it really sucks and i know this is stupid but i wonder if he's even thought about me because if he had thought of me wouldnt he be like "well its easter i havent called her at all or anything maybe i should call" i mean shouldnt that cross his mind at least one time in the past 48 hours? uhg i miss him so bad and i want to be mad but i miss him so much i cant, im such a loser my boyfriend is my life, :'( what ever
even though hes stupid and gross i want him to be here with me so bad
i dont understand how or why i want to be with him so much and he could care less....