Jul 02, 2009 16:39
Been a bit since the last update so here goes. (Three paragraphs, if you want to call it that.)
1) Bobby and I have hit a few stumbling blocks. He has revealed to me a few things that I'm taken aback by. One thing that was revealed is a stopper for me. I won't go into details but I've always been a big believer of the honesty up front policy. I honestly didn't know what to tell him once he told me. Time will tell...
2) I'm concerned with running on SAT. My knee has still been giving me trouble and I know I'm not back to 100%. I was given the ok to run the Peachtree Road Race by the doctor so I'll see how it goes. I did get a knee brace to wear. I start at 7:30 or so, so the heat of the day won't be too bad. I'm going for a goal of one hour which is a good 6-7 mins off my normal pace.
3) Works goes well. I took today (Thurs) off to attend the Peachtree Road Race expo. I'll work my normal shift on FRI because of the holiday pay (3 times normal) is too good to pass up, take SAT off and then work again on SUN before getting another three days off. I do want to take some vacation yet this summer/fall since I've got plenty of time banked up for that.
*HUGS* go out to all and I wish you all a happy and safe 4th of JUL.