Nov 05, 2004 16:25
So two days ago, I grew tired of listening to the same CD player in my bedroom. It was Slug and Murs' FELT ep. I only listen to music in my room when I go to bed and when I'm getting dressed in the morning. Usually I have the same CD in there for a week or so. Anyway, I decided to change it. I had promo copies of the two new Nelly CDs in my room. I hadn't listened to the "Suit" one, which is like the No. 1 CD in the country. So I decided to put it in for 15 minutes or whatever. Give it a chance, ya know. So I put it in my CD player. And the changer starts going nuts. It kept spinning and spinning, never stopping on one disc to play. It's not a good CD changer either, so it makes these loud stupid noises when it spins. I turned the blasted thing off and tried again. Same thing. So I took the Nelly CD out. Put in something else. Same problem.
The moral of the story: God hates Nelly. Don't listen to him.