Scanning thru the details

Feb 05, 2009 02:46

I haven't had much desire to write here lately, but I shall try to change things starting...NOW:

I just got back from going to karaoke at Hurricane's with Scott for the first time in a while. We've been going in groups to private rooms lately even though I prefer the bars.

My sister was in town after Christmas, and it was a blast hanging out with her more this time around, though she only stayed for two weeks. The karaoke room with her was fun. I was afraid she wouldn't get into it and it'd just be some dorky idea from her nerdy little brother, but she had fun thankfully.

Karolina slept over a couple weeks ago while my parents went away to Cuba. I clogged up the sink and didn't take out the recycling in time, but a great time was had otherwise! I did find myself a little scared to sleep in the house alone on the nights Karolina didn't stay over.

Been working nearly full-time at the same shitty job with the same shitty wage. The good news is that minimum wage is going up in March by 75 cents, should I decide to remain in retail hell for another month. I hope to fuck not!

I've been playing with Sparking White to keep my fingers moving. I played a small show with them at the Cameron House in the smaller, front stage. It was fun despite it being late on a Monday night with a small crowd, but it's all about the music, and I actually heard myself play each and every note for once!

Cinema is still drummerless. Auditions haven't even started yet. Drummers are frustrating to deal with. More ad posting is required, and maybe someone who isn't a douche will feel our songs...and I don't even want to think about our ep that's getting done at a snail's pace.

...and I'm addicted to The L Word. As a straight male, does that make me fucked up?
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