fuck. i've been sending out emails by the handful lately -- booking Observers shows and attempting to keep up with friends -- only to find myself frustrated when for the last three days or so my inbox has remained empty. well it turns out that my email address is fucked up (not irrepairably, but without an immediate solution) so any responses sent to me have vanished in thin air, and will continue to do so for a few more days. the moral of the story is: if you want to get in touch with me, call me. and computers are stupid.
hey look:
...that's the shit.
we've practiced seven times and have seven songs down tight, but without vocals. not a word, in fact. we're shooting for ten songs, and hoping to have them down pat by recording on Friday. heh. should be interesting. evidently some labels are interested in releasing our shit if it's any good. i think that's neat but i also think it's kinda stupid. mostly neat though, from my end...
this weekend was awesome. hung out with some dudes on Friday, then hung out with some more dudes and some dudettes at a super fun show on Saturday. i'd been feeling a bit antisocial and lazy all last week, but enjoyed the chance to catch my breath and sleep a bit. by the weekend i was ready to 'rage' and got sufficiently 'wastehammered' when the time was right.
when i get back to Portland i'm gonna be broke and homeless and busy. i'm kinda dreading that. but i'm looking forward to seeing people and catching up.
...that's a long way away though. i've got more adventuring to do! huzzah!