Aug 10, 2006 14:12
I've informed my employer of my last day. September 11 is penciled in as my last day in Salt Lake City. Five year anniversary. Strange. A moment of silence before I leave. My family prays before long trips, perhaps I should.
Anyhow, I plan to travel non-stop to Kansas that day, which is something like 16 hours. A day with my grandmother, then across the plains to Chicago. No hotels.
I'm going to miss this place and a lot of the people here. I would like to do some things before I go though, such as visit all the restaurants I never had the chance to with friends I see too infrequently. Need to do something with sidewalk chalk. Must commune with Brigham Young's grave and the sunset one more time. Visit Granite High. Need to strongly consider returning the books I still have out from the University Library.
Anyhow, you have one month.
If you should ever miss me, order a Dr Pepper in my absence at Dee's Family Restaurant.
I'll be back for Christmas break, but I don't know after that.