Apr 19, 2013 15:10
People do vicious things-- it is part of what it means to be human; Overall people have a great deal of self control-- but violence is easy. As I think about the pursuit of a certain Chechen 19 year old i think about the microcosm of humanity it illustrates. No one admits that they can relate with the attacker, yet I have heard so many people make threats. Just how thin s the line between hyperbole and the devastation of taking action?
I think very thin--
Mix a little ill will with drugs, alcohol or mob mentality and the people take inexcusable actions. What is more unsettling is the finer instabilities that affect us-- angst, hormones, depression-- even mild things can complete alter the actions we take...
I can not justify bombing innocent people but I don't think the mentality it takes, the indifference of a bomber is so rare...
It has to be the same more indifference you might find in a man or women who repeatedly commits adultery or cheats on their significant other-- it might be the same mentality that causes a someone to shoot animal indiscriminately without intending to use them for food-- it might be the mentality of a gang member-- of a foreign soldier-- of a neighborhood bully. I could continue to list these connections-- really, we are not as hung up on the fact that someone detonated a bomb as we are that the bomb took lives and gravely hurt others--
from experience I know there is a darkness in myself that others don't know to well-- I have the ability to reason things to myself that I know others just could not accept-- I know I am not crazy because i see these dark things in everyone
i see those moments where people get lost in their own mind, and briefly realize that they cannot trust themselves for guidance; that there logic has brought them to a line they don't want to cross. I see people struggle in moments between smiles and I can sense the under depths of their minds-- It is those moments that are really consuming, theat make humans incapable of trusting each other.... the difference between you and the bomber is likely when your mind has reached the limitations of your heart-- you did not cross the boundary and become heartless-- That is a virtue of our paradigm. Humans used to be more barbaric-- its only in the modern world where sympathy is commonplace.