Aug 04, 2007 20:48
my life is like TV sometimes. I think I might be in a sitcom.
cept without as many beautiful people.
In other news...
I have the answers, but I can't share them because people wouldn't want to hear them, even if they are true. Besides, what good is it to have the answers if people won't ask you the questions to begin with? Maybe its because they think I don't know, or maybe its because they don't want to know the answers at all. Some people prefer to live in confusion I suppose. Or maybe they're just better off figuring things out for themselves? I dunno. Theres also always the chance that they know I know, but just think I'm wrong.
Vague randomness aside...
I like life at the moment, but I miss people. I've been away a long time.
My life continuously gets more fragmented. One day I'll either have to piece it all together, or throw away the pieces and start over. Like a broken mirror. And it will never be the way it was.
Anyways, I think I'm off to Brooklyn for the evening. Carry on with your bidness...