hooray for not getting hit with barbwire bats

Jul 26, 2004 23:31

this is from lambgoat.com

ps-by the way...i was IN THIS.

Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza at Hellfest
Monday, July 26, 2004 [2264 views]

You've probably heard about Bad Luck 13 Riot Extravaganza's performance at Hellfest last night. If not, the group's performance (billed as their final show ever) escalated into a bonafied riot. For starters, if you don't know anything about Bad Luck 13, they're from Philadelphia and they have a reputation for turning their shows into flat-out mayhem. For this reason, they were the last band slated to perform on the Hot Topic stage at Hellfest, and the second to last band slated to perform at the entire event (Fear Factory being the finale). And sure enough, things got out of hand rather quickly once the group took the stage. Barbwired bats, pig blood/parts, smoke bombs, and fluorescent light bulbs were all part of the chaos. Here's an account from Lambgoat's Dave, who was covering Hellfest for us, and on hand to witness the incident:

"I'm sure you know of their antics, but this was pretty insane. They only played a few songs. During their first song, it was wild but still pretty light-hearted. People were just throwing trash bags and trash cans and plastic bottles. But when they played "Homicidal," shit got nuts. The Hot Topic stage was in a gymnasium so there were bleachers that were about six levels high. The bleachers were flipped, whilst people were standing on them. I saw everything from a kid taking a fluorescent light bulb and throwing it like a javelin into the middle of everyone to a metal chair flying at least a hundred feet across the building and cracking a kid in the face. The cops showed up and I left within an hour or two afterwards and I didn't see anyone get arrested, but it was too crowded outside the building to really tell."

Further reports indicate that paramedics arrived quickly, but were somewhat stymied by the throng of people rushing away from the gymnasium. The security staff had no idea what to do and several fights ensued. There have also been rumors floating around regarding the presence of sawblades during the "riot," but we've found no official evidence of this. Certainly, a girl did not die from a sawblade injury, which is one particular rumor we've seen on some message boards.

All we can say is: anyone who didn't see this coming hasn't been paying attention.
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