what the fuck is a wolfberry?

Feb 25, 2009 22:17

so i don't have stolen internet steadily this semester.

pepperdine's missing, gerolomo's dead, and margolis tends to go crazy shooting...soooo....

those are internet connections. just in case.

i'm eating a berry soyjoy bar. the flavor says solely "berry" and the picture is of some small tomato looking thing.

i decided to look at the ingredients to see which berries exactly were in this bar.

it turns out it's hawthornberry and wolfberry. so it's all cool. those are my favorites. oh sorry there's also raisins. i never knew raisins were a berry. i thought they came from grapes. you learn something new every day.

what the fuck kinds of berries are those? the little red spell check dots underneath their names tends to make me think they're made up.

imma stick to strawberry from now on.

imma is also not in the dictionary.

suck it merriam webster.
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