Mar 20, 2005 20:34
you know people say they have the worst parents. yea well try having parents that will send you to military school for failing art class. a matter a fact if i get ONE C this next marking period. im gone. im sent to military school. my life is fucked. ill neevr see any of my friends again, ill never see amanda. ill go fucking crazy..
this is the worst fucking week ever.
fuck.i cant believe it. my parents are so gay. omg... you know.. if it wasent for amanda and my friends and such... i'd RATHER go to fucking military school. be away from my fucking parents. if it wasent for amanda i'd probably be punching my bed and walls till my knuckles bled. but i promised not to.
omg i cant even sit still. im so fucking pissed. no body can even say they know what im going through.. cause they dont.