(no subject)

Sep 06, 2004 22:58

Im sure this is gonna catch mounds of shit, but damn im getting tired of all this bush or kerry crap. I havent followed things enough to back up an opinion strongly, but to be honest i dont think very many others have either. I think a huge percentage of the people out there who are anti whichever are just going by things they have heard from others that are completely out of context and blown out of proportion. I think its sad that people are so against the president and the government. Yea Bush may have made some choices that people dont like, yea maybe he could have done things differently, but hes doing the best he can. The way i see it is that hes the one with the balls enough to go out and try to make things better when it comes to the people who have been causing problems for a very long time. Again i dont have all the facts, but what i do know is that Bush isnt the one killing our troops, he isnt going out there with a gun shooting them himself. The troops that are fighting signed up on their own knowing full on that they could go to war at any time. Thier choice. I respect them for that. I think that people still need to give the respect due to the president for all the good choices he makes as well. When do you ever hear about hey, George Bush helped this situation out, he passed this thing thats gonna help lots of people out... you dont, all anyone ever likes to talk about is look how things are fucked up now. Try looking at the good once in a while. The small things in life are what make a difference. There are lots more small things than big events. As far as Kerry goes, there isnt a whole lot i can say except that Dave had an interesting link on myspace about how hes changing opinions on a lot of war issues and whatnot. Now im not gonna bash him cause i havent looked into it enough, but if it is that case that hes against it now, when he was for it before, most likly hes doing that to get the votes of the people who dont like bush. I dunno that thing dave had made sense to me. And at least Bush can make a choice and stick to it. Now you can comment on this all you want and try to argue with me all you want, but this is just my humble opinion. You live in America, if you dont like it leave and i wish you all the luck in the world that you can find a place that truly is better. Aside from religous aspects, i feel that the government does a hell of a lot for us to keep us safe. Sure theres more that could be done, there always is, but we have police doing what they can and yea. Even though people hate cops which i think is terrible. Dont break the law and you wont have problems with you. This would be a pretty horrible place to live if they werent here. But yea, i guess i made my point and i kinda doubt many people will get all the way through this. But all i wanna say is its not cool to try to be mr or ms i hate america and im gonna leave, when you know you arent and when you know this is a great country.
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