BEST VIDEO EVER Just right-click an save it since it's about 60something mb, you don't want to stream it, lol, but WELL WORTH IT. Woke up the whole damn house laughing at some 4am, and actually woke up feeling good, as a pose to frustrated over really stupid things I know aren't to do with me to begin with, or something.
Naru emailed me too. Is a good day. Why should that be important? I haven't seen her since...Friday, where she said "I don't know if I'll be on tomorrow" lol. Really missed her and been all stupid over stuff, but then I'm just like that, though none of you suckas ever agree, lol.
BF2 got patched to 1.03 the other day, which changed alot of little things. Makes it feel like a completely new game...almost, hehe. The vehicles have all new sounds which is sweet as fuck. The jeep engine sounds like it as a freaking doberman inside it ready to pounce out and tear all of the infidel amerikana to pieces. really vicious sounding engine, hehe. Similarly, the Tanks have been given new sounds, with the Chinese tank being the best, when you fire it up, it sounds like it has steam pistons whinning in the back somewhere, it's all "twiiiissh-wrwrwrwrwr" hehehe. Though it's the Chonese Tank turret motion that gives me shivers. I'm not going to try and type it, but it's just so much better than the old ones and should probably worry me that it's just this cool. They completely changed the ranking system, which is all in all pretty good. Means you get upgraded weapons quicker (I got three unlocks at once from the updating to new settings, hahaha) and that you'll have alot more Seargents running around. Whether that's all such a good thing I dunno, but it certainly makes the game more fun and the higher ranks still require a good bit of time, just it's the high ranks that you'll get in a month or two...not the third rank up the list of about eight, lol. Similarly the awards have been changed, meaning veteran doesn't mean you have to actually have physically aged and be called a Veteran/OAP before you can get them. For instance I got my Veteran Resupply last night. Now, previously the prerequisite for that was 500 hours (you heard...) as Support and 10 resupply points in one game. I figure now it's gone down to 50 hours (I like the big gun and resupplying people since it can work more widespread than medic, can't revive people if they blew up in a tank now, can you? So I have about 60 hours as support gunner and nabbed that medal last night. Excellent stuff. Most of the medals have been reduced to 20-25 hours from 250 hours minimum, but ones like Veteran Resupply were at 500 since they were support actions, so they've been dropped to 50, I figure. No official figures out yet but that's about where I got it so it's all ballpark again.
Right, enough of this rambling...oh, but did I tell you people are still idiots? Yes, shocking I know, but that thing I said looked like it was actually going to work out? DIDN'T. Know why? Yup, because monkeys really can fly...or people are still idiots, both possible. Went into Ashington again on Monday to get "'re not due to come in today, not until you get a letter, no" so a few things ran through my mind. 1: What the hell are you all playing at? 2: Why was I told it was scheduled to start Monday? 3: There is no 3. 4: Why did you tell me to come in Monday at about 1 o'clock for an introduction? 5: The fact that no one can find anything doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.
But alas, I got a call the other day about a place in Newcastle (Newcastle = bigger/city/non-stupid...but further away) and tried to get that all sorted. Was given an email to send my CV in to, an guess what. Go on, GUESS. The domain name does not exist. Hahaha...actually probably a good thing that it didn't cause I only noticed after I tried to send that a few details didn't quite match up, so fixed that and after a couple phone calls to nice reception lass, got their addresss (Shakespeare House no less, what is it with me and drama...) and mailed that off. So amused reception lass should have that today, assuming she knows her address fine since I double checked the email address which didn't exist and apparently they couldn't send an email out to me so I could confirm the senders domain name existed. Ah well, postal address is as good as any if your email address domain doesn't exist. There'd just beter be a Suite 3 in Shakespeare House or I dunno what...