Creative Writing Assignment. Title-- "Gold"

Aug 29, 2006 16:15

Hey, it’s me, the kid who you don’t know. You probably think you do, but nowadays who knows? Sometimes not even me. On June 1st, 1990 I was born in Baltimore. Yeah, Charm City you know how it is. I was born into the warm, calming arms of my Mother, and raised by the man who is myself 28 years from now, the “me” that I see in my Father. I’ve been raised Christian my whole life, but since my sophomore year I saw through all the stories and lies. I realized, Jesus Christ was all about peace, and love. However, President Bush uses Christianity as an excuse to fight this war in Iraq. I was convinced the word of God is now the word of death. So, being all about peace and love, I packed my crucifixes and Mother Mary statuette into a box, and turned to a familiar religion, and a peaceful one at that, Buddhism. Nobody seems to worry about Buddha, that’s why he’s laughing all the time. If I’m going to live my life in fear of burning in an eternal hellfire, then who would I be, I wouldn’t know who I am, what I really wanted, I’d be just like everyone else.

I am a visionary, a poet, a musician, sometimes I’ll be an artist, other times I can be nothing at all or at least I can make things seem that way. I am a brother to a 19 year old girl. But I am a brother to many others as well. I only have a select few true friends and it’s better off that way. Who says you have to be blood to be family? Anyways, I am a very accepting kid, most of the time I am very open minded. I am probably one of the nicest kids you have ever met. Sure, in the past few years I’ve made many mistakes, losing some of my best friends, done some messed up things that would be enough for someone to pass new judgments upon me. But that’s just life, some make more mistakes than others, forgive and forget.

I never had an imaginary friend when I was younger, so I had a lot more to fear at night, mostly the dark, and the noises that creep from my nightmares into the twilight of my room. So I’d find myself waking up with my head buried beneath my pillows and Major League Baseball comforter. So growing up with this fear built up inside of me, and my imagination of fear grew. I thought of fear as a person who wanted to know everyone and what they love. Being afraid of the dark, I thought of him coming at night while we lay there, I imagined him holding keys to our smiles, and to this day he won’t let me close to half of what I want. So while I was just a little kid, I never thought anyone would want to be a friend, but hey, I was little.

I guess I’ll spill out about what describes me, or things that should just get you on the same page as me. Sometimes I can be on my own, and I seem to be in an open state then. Other times I will need to surround myself with friends. I love the world and everyone in it, I live to love and I love to live, I don’t know how that sounds coming from me but nobody is here to judge. In the summer I am at the beach in South Jersey about every weekend. It sounds great, but it’s New Jersey, who would even drink that water? In my whole life I’ve wanted to be either an Anchorman, journalist for the newspaper, stand-up Comedian, Late Night Talk Show host, nature documenter on Discovery Channel, Major League Baseball Player, and Firefighter. One time my Dad was watching NASCAR and for literally two seconds I thought it’d be cool to be the driver of one of those cars. But, where do you get in life running in circles all the time? I like being outside a lot, during any season, the colors of each season blend together, it’s one of the greatest beauties in life. I love music, it’s one of my greatest passions, whether I’m listening to it or writing and recording it, It will always be a big part of my life. I try to stay optimistic, most of the time I’m like that about everything. I’m always down for helping my friends when they’ve got trouble in their face. It’s weird when I think about it, because I’ve got troubles of my own that I’ve never really talked to anyone about. Sometimes I push the ones I am close to and love away, I could never figure it out, it could be fear coming back for a reunion. It gets me down thinking about it, but I always end up looking forward, something lifts my spirits and I no longer fear any troubles with my family. I love my family, but I can be a real pain in the ass. I give them so much credit for dealing with me. So that’s me.

Even after all that I’ve just let out my mind, people still won’t know me. That’s the way it is, nobody will ever figure another person out even when they think they have. Like most people I’ve had a broken heart once or twice, and as a dude I’m not afraid to admit it. But if I find myself moaning and complaining about it, I set things straight and overcome the situation, without regrets. I think we all should give that a try every now and then, to not look back on bad things, kill the fear of our near future, what it may become, what scares us so much, and push through. I strive to live upon that, to fear nothing and regret less. We have to be true to ourselves, our friends and others. Instead of rejecting a kid because he is different than you are, embrace the differences. Keep an open mind and always keep an open heart.

Friendship means more than the world to me, and family means more to me than I can give it credit for. When I was once down and out, There was always someone true to pick me back up to my feet. No matter what, I will always be there for them. With the friends I’ve got, I feel unstoppable, invincible. They make life even more worth it, so I ask myself, “Can this get any better?” So to find the answer to that self-proclaimed question, I live for the moment, savoring every second of my teenage years. These are the days that last a lifetime, live it up.

I guess there is no end to the way we describe ourselves if you really think about it. Life has so much wrapped inside of it, it’s like trying to count all the stars in the night sky, no matter how far you think you can get, you’ll never reach the end, and there’s always some stars that you accidentally count over and over again, like the circles we may end up tracing in our lives. And much like the clouds you could find yourself laying on the grass looking at, you’ll always run into something new, nothing in life is exactly the same. So, the analogy is, life is the baby blue sky. You won’t see much beauty in life if you don’t look up. The assignment I was given is called, “Intro to Me.” What I’ve told every one of you is only the introduction to the real me. So.. Hey, I’m Mike Hooper, the kid you don’t know. You may think you do, but nowadays, we are only finding out who we really are.
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