Jul 30, 2004 01:05
so tonight was the in glory/ til she cries show. i was a great show other than the fact that half the hardcore kids are close minded pieces of shit but whatever. other than that i just wanted to say i love the taylor kids cause they are fucking awesome and have a great night. oh yeah and im leaving tomorrow for the weekend so leave a cool message and since noone filled this bitch out the first time will you please do it.
Body: do you's
1. do you think im cute?
2. do you want to kiss me?
3. do you want to cuddle wit me?
4. do you want to hook up with me?
5. do you think im smart?
6. do you want bake me cookies?
are we's
1. are we aquintences?
2. are we friends?
3. are we hook ups?
4. are we in a relationship?
5. are we gonna have kids?
6. are we in a marriage?
am i's
1. am i smart?
2. am i cute?
3. am i funny?
4. am i cool?
5. am i stoopid?
would you's
1. would you hang out with me?
2. would you date me?
3. would you be my hook up?
4. would you be my girlfriend/boyfriend?
5. would you have sex with me?
6. would you bake me brownnies?
have you ever?
1. have you ever thought about me?
2. have you ever thought there might be an "us"?
3. have you ever thought about about hookin up with me?
4. have you ever found yourself wanting a kiss from me?
5. have you ever wished i were there?
6. have u ever wished to give me a bcak massage?
are you's
1. are you done with this survey?
2. are you happy you know me?
3. are you mad at me?
4. are you thinkin bout me?
5. are you going to repost this so that i will return the favor?
6. are u planning to kill me?