Jun 05, 2004 00:59
After hearing all this buzz about this newfound livejournal business, I had a look at it. A flood of emails from adoring naked women then innundated my inbox when I rocked sheilagh's journal with my kickass anonymous post, so I decided to get my own journal because naked women kick ass.
Now then, my name is mikefuckintempl because cursing in between your first and last name makes you kick ass. And yes, I call it cursing, not swearing, because swearing is for painted savages.
I left the E off the end of my last name for two reasons:
1) The e stands for ecstacy and you can only get that by letting me work the deli;
2) Livejournal wouldn't give me the space to write the E because they're a bunch of painted savages.
Thats enough for now, if you want more go to Sean and I's site at geocities.com/shutupyourewrong. I'd post more but I like to keep you waiting for my intense awesomeness because I know you want it. Until then, im going to go masturbate in front of a mirror because i'm that gnarly.