convo betweeen me and kevin coleman someone said update so here it isb
cutcmunicatonECK: how much money
effingkevin: over 900
cutcmunicatonECK: omg
effingkevin: yup
cutcmunicatonECK: fuckin kill someone
effingkevin: imwas about too
cutcmunicatonECK: shoulda
effingkevin: did u go to last nights show?
cutcmunicatonECK: no i was in keywest did you?
effingkevin: no i am grounded
cutcmunicatonECK: damn howlong
effingkevin: not sure
effingkevin: grades
cutcmunicatonECK: damn
effingkevin: shits shitty
cutcmunicatonECK: thats gay
effingkevin: haha yeah
cutcmunicatonECK: did u ever tlak to grace?
effingkevin: hahaha nope
effingkevin: not intersested
cutcmunicatonECK: why the fuck not
cutcmunicatonECK: u coudl of tapped
effingkevin: found better opp.s
effingkevin: im fucking player
effingkevin: hahaha
cutcmunicatonECK: dude but shes so fine
effingkevin: i know
cutcmunicatonECK: remember how e got those bracelts at colin-aid
cutcmunicatonECK: i still have myne on
cutcmunicatonECK: ha
effingkevin: haha yeah me too
cutcmunicatonECK: hell yes
effingkevin: im not taking mine off
cutcmunicatonECK: ill try not to take myne off
cutcmunicatonECK: myne is all crumpled n faded
effingkevin: ill have mine onmuch longer than you
cutcmunicatonECK: nahhh
cutcmunicatonECK: ill rip yours off
cutcmunicatonECK: watch next show
effingkevin: haha ill hold my hand over ur head
effingkevin: u cant reach
cutcmunicatonECK: hhaha
effingkevin: BURN
cutcmunicatonECK: damn
cutcmunicatonECK: cuz ur so fucking talll
cutcmunicatonECK: mofo
effingkevin: HAHA
cutcmunicatonECK: bitch im black i cna jump high
effingkevin: add me on lj
cutcmunicatonECK: fine mother
cutcmunicatonECK: comment my shit
effingkevin: you have to add first
cutcmunicatonECK: ok hold up nigro
effingkevin: ok
cutcmunicatonECK: wait how do i add if u dont comment
cutcmunicatonECK: u have to comment on the friends only and then i can add you
effingkevin: god
effingkevin: go to my site and hit the add button
cutcmunicatonECK: one sec nigger
effingkevin: hahah dumb ass
cutcmunicatonECK: adddeddddddd!
effingkevin: haha figure it out
effingkevin: u have myspace?
cutcmunicatonECK: hell no
cutcmunicatonECK: too lazy
cutcmunicatonECK: lj is enough
effingkevin: haha fag its like internet pimping
cutcmunicatonECK: ehh
effingkevin: look at all the girls on mine
cutcmunicatonECK: ;link
effingkevin: added bitch
cutcmunicatonECK: give me a link to your damn my space
effingkevin: k
effingkevin: hold on
effingkevin: gotta find it
cutcmunicatonECK: bitch
My URL: [info] effingkevin: there bitch
effingkevin: im fucking player BITCH
cutcmunicatonECK: get off my nuts
effingkevin: hahaha
effingkevin: you started that rumor about me and grace
effingkevin: you fuck
cutcmunicatonECK: i did?
cutcmunicatonECK: no i didnt
effingkevin: ha yeah you did
cutcmunicatonECK: how
cutcmunicatonECK: what the fook
effingkevin: you told alex robinson that we made out
cutcmunicatonECK: no i didnt
effingkevin: and then she told people
cutcmunicatonECK: i swear
cutcmunicatonECK: i was jsut a pawn
cutcmunicatonECK: i did not syanething
cutcmunicatonECK: to her
effingkevin: haha its no big deal
cutcmunicatonECK: i didnt u nigger
effingkevin: if anything it just gave me props
cutcmunicatonECK: ehh
cutcmunicatonECK: ye it did
effingkevin: haha
cutcmunicatonECK: hey but that vee elle girl is fine
cutcmunicatonECK: whats her name?
effingkevin: hahahahahahahahahahahahaahahhaahhahaahhaahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahaahahahahah thats vegan laura
cutcmunicatonECK: i see
cutcmunicatonECK: i dont know her
effingkevin: yu hould get too shes hott
cutcmunicatonECK: but neow i hooked up iwth that one chick buts she was sketch
effingkevin: who?
effingkevin: that little girl with the piece
cutcmunicatonECK: hell no!
effingkevin: hahahahaha
cutcmunicatonECK: ewww not jordan
cutcmunicatonECK: nvrmin
cutcmunicatonECK: neway
cutcmunicatonECK: when is the next show
effingkevin: not sure
cutcmunicatonECK: arghhh
effingkevin: i know
effingkevin: il find out soon
cutcmunicatonECK: tight n u better go so we can mack and terrorize and do crazy techno dance
effingkevin: hahah def
effingkevin: dude i got my hair cut
effingkevin: its sooo fly
cutcmunicatonECK: so did i
effingkevin: really?
cutcmunicatonECK: yerp
effingkevin: how short
cutcmunicatonECK: ehh right below the ears
effingkevin: aww cutie
cutcmunicatonECK: fuck you
cutcmunicatonECK: tall ass mokey
cutcmunicatonECK: monkey
effingkevin: hahaha your a fucking gimp with goofy ass hair
cutcmunicatonECK: tru
cutcmunicatonECK: and ur a pimp with rednack steeze
cutcmunicatonECK: and dell jukebox
effingkevin: haha red neck sleeze?
cutcmunicatonECK: steeze
effingkevin: haha i aint no redneck u fuck!
cutcmunicatonECK: then stop weraring camo u fuckface
cutcmunicatonECK: har ahr
cutcmunicatonECK: o sorry ur punk rawk
cutcmunicatonECK: hahahahha thats even worse
effingkevin: fuck off im getting more now
cutcmunicatonECK: or are u army man
effingkevin: haha i get all the iraqi's
effingkevin: hahaha
cutcmunicatonECK: in the butt?
effingkevin: haha in the face
cutcmunicatonECK: hhaha u stupid fuck ill murder u
effingkevin: hahaha
cutcmunicatonECK: next show weellllll throwdown
effingkevin: fine with me
cutcmunicatonECK: haha
effingkevin: ur getting taped
cutcmunicatonECK: o hell no ...did u ever get those pictures
cutcmunicatonECK: send em too me if oyu did
cutcmunicatonECK: from tourreeeee
effingkevin: look on myspace
cutcmunicatonECK: i dotn have an account i cant
cutcmunicatonECK: send em
effingkevin: later
cutcmunicatonECK: no now punk
cutcmunicatonECK: u lose
cutcmunicatonECK: dan weisman always beats u down
cutcmunicatonECK: always
effingkevin: im getting him to beat u next time
cutcmunicatonECK: ur like"o no dont be violent"
cutcmunicatonECK: no dont thats fucked up
cutcmunicatonECK: dont do that
cutcmunicatonECK: dont be violent!
effingkevin: haha i soo am
effingkevin: hes gonna break you in half
cutcmunicatonECK: no dont
cutcmunicatonECK: ill cry
cutcmunicatonECK: hes so big im so lil
effingkevin: haha i wont just b\c u smoked me out with joshs weed
cutcmunicatonECK: hahhahaha!
effingkevin: haha i felt bad i didnt know it was his
cutcmunicatonECK: an du wouldnt of ever madeout with grace
effingkevin: good point even though i didnt!
effingkevin: hahaha
cutcmunicatonECK: yes u did
effingkevin: hahaha w\e
cutcmunicatonECK: and i tried but i had to settlle for ashley
effingkevin: hahahahahahahaahahahaha FABIO
cutcmunicatonECK: o that faggot i was gonna tap dat
cutcmunicatonECK: i was like fuck you fabio!!!!
effingkevin: haha shit was soo funny
cutcmunicatonECK: nehoo
cutcmunicatonECK: damn he could get soo many girls but he dosnt
effingkevin: i know he doesnt know how to work it
effingkevin: so fabio was that chick u got with cute?
cutcmunicatonECK: screw you
effingkevin: hahaha
effingkevin: im sure she was a good kisser
effingkevin: did she drag her teeth?
effingkevin: or czan u not get that far with ugly chiqs
cutcmunicatonECK: i hate you
cutcmunicatonECK: and ashley isnt ugly u fucker
effingkevin: hahah yeah she is
cutcmunicatonECK: u dont know her retard
cutcmunicatonECK: haha
effingkevin: haha i know
cutcmunicatonECK: u were too stoned