Welllll....Tonight I hung out with melissa and toby, it was a rockin good time, i have pictures of the boat we found, i knocked on it, it was scary. But first. NEW YEARS. I'm lame and didnt really take many pictures, mostly cause i was too drunk, most of the ones i did take were bad, there are the slightly less bad ones. all in all it was a pretty decent night, got of work at 11, got drunk by 12, got back to cales at like 4, was too drunk to sleep, drove home at 630. i rule. anyways, heres some pictures.
Toby loves Melissa too!
We rule for loving you this much, my finger was so cold!
This is marc on new years, he is a happy fellow.
Toby, all whacked out on E. "COOL GIFTS FOR COOL FRIENDS"
Sean and Lucas, being scary looking motherfuckers.
This would be Olivia, quite a fine young lady if i do say so myself.
This is the boat we found at the esquimalt lagoon, i wanted to flip it over and go for a ride, but toby peed on it first.
Awww. We loves melissa!