random stuff

Oct 14, 2009 09:20

So it's been a while since I posted anything. Not as long as I usually go without posting when I disappear, but still long enough that I feel slightly guilty for not doing it.

I'm making progress on my "future fairy tale" story for the Digital Webbing collaboration. I still haven't been assigned an artist, but I think I'll need a finished script turned into the editors before that happens. I've been tasked with giving my story a bit of an animated, feel-good vibe. I'm not really sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I do have something moderately uplifting in mind for the ending.

Played competitive volleyball for the first time last Thursday. My wife loves to play volleyball, and we're trying to get to the point where we can play it together once a week. I've told her that as long as she's willing to go on a run with me every once in a while I'm willing to play volleyball with her. I didn't have loads of fun when we played, but only because I'm not entirely comfortable with what my role is on the court. I only screwed up a few times though, so that was all right. Once I figured out the best method for serving, I did that fairly well. I think I could get to be pretty decent at it, but I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to play this Thursday because...

My hip is bothering me again. It's been raining here for the last few days, and I'm worried that maybe I have a slightly arthritic hip due to all the running I was doing in the early part of this year. I'd cut back on my running a bit a while back and recently increased my output again and was having no trouble whatsoever. But now it's raining, and boom!, hip pain. So I'm a little bit worried about that. I don't think California is going to be starting the rainy season quite this early, so I'm sure I have plenty of blue skies to look forward to before it starts, so maybe I'll just have to monitor it as well as I can and avoid running in inclement weather from this point forward.

Watched "The Engagement" (it's "The Proposal", actually. Thanks, D!) last night. It was all right. Not as good as "Away We Go" as far as romantic comedies go, but I do think Ryan Reynolds is pretty funny and he did a good job in the movie. Sandra Bullock did an all right job as well, but it really seemed like she was caking on the make-up in this movie. I'm not sure if that was just because of her character or because they were trying to make her seem younger than she is or what, but it was actually distracting me a bit from her performance. Still, the movie had its moments, and I'll watch anything with Betty White in it because I think she's the absolute best. That's right... Betty White.
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