Do you wanna know why I fucking rule?!? Here's why I fucking rule!
- because I love peanut butter. I love it so much I got gout from eating too much of the shit!
- because I admit that I masturbate, not just that I masturbate, which is cool, but that I admit to it!
- because boobies rule, hence I rule, cause I like me some boobs.
- because I like to drive in the carpool lane during the hours that I'm not supposed to; it makes me feel badass.
- because I enjoy glaring at people that disgust me.
- because I have friends... that fucking rules!
- because I would kill your grandma with a S.O.S. pad if you let me.
- because I don't shower often, I don't smoke, I don't drive a gas-guzzler, I don't drink faggy latte drinks, I don't eat fat-free shit, I don't post stupid-ass waste-my-time MySpace bullshit, I don't like Oprah, I don't pretend to laugh at things that aren't funny, I don't do "that", I don't hang up on telemarketers until they're about to close the sale, I don't enjoy getting kicked in the sack, I wear the same shirt for days at a time, I don't have a hairy chest, I'm short so I'm fast, I don't shake hands with homos, I drink like a champion, I fly my stunt kick like nobodies business, I don't listen to music I don't want to listen to, I type really fast at like 50 words per minute, I have an education, I can't spell the word chlamydia in my head, I don't give a fuck about the government, I don't give a shit about how to put up three-tab on a roof, and I don't give fuck what you think about anything.
That's why I'm really cool!
So, I was studying with my buddies at school, and Tyler said that his crotch was radioactive, which is extremely hilarious. We then went on to talk about working out our kegel muscles so we could shoot our load further. But it would be dangerous to even erect my penis, since the outcome would probably be neclear reactive fallout. It's a quite intriguing conversation! The conclusion was Tyler saying, "So, girls to kegels to tighten their shit up, and guys do kegels to shoot their load harder... okay." I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Yeah, we didn't get a whole lot of studying done today...
I'm waiting for my Final Fantasy 7 players guide to come in the mail. I know, I know, you're probably saying I should just beat it on my own without cheating. Well, I say smoke my pole, cause I can beat the game on my own, I just like to accomplish all the extra side quests that I normally wouldn't even think to do on my own anyways! YEAH!
I love the sound of thrushes singing when it's cold outside. It's so relaxing. I wonder what they taste like?