Apr 02, 2007 19:34
I've been studying magic for the past several years fighting my tendency to shy away from attention. Through the years of study one comes to realize the secret of a trick is not at all what's important. The secret only makes the trick a puzzle.
People love to be introduced to puzzles, but most people see puzzles as what they are, something one must SOLVE. If you haven't solved it, you would really want to be told the solution and it's only natural. I challanged you with a puzzle and if you can't figure it out I give you the answer, that is how puzzles go.
So newcommers to magic often find it frustrating to do a trick and find out that the audiance resents them for not telling how the trick is done. This is not the audiences fault, they were presented with a puzzle and want to know the answer.
The professional magician knows how to PRESENT the magic in a compeling and entertaining way that diminishes the puzzle aspect of the trick. It's not a competition, you don't have to know the secret, and no one challanges you to figure it out. If you don't figure it out you are NOT stupid.
Actually, the other way around is the truth. If you don't figure it out that means you are a completely normal and healthy minded human being. Those principles used in magic effects are born out of hundred of years of experience and any technique that surviced so many years is sure to decieve SMART people. Magicians know it, but laypeople rarely think about the fact that it is much more easy to fool a very intelligent and smart person than to fool a dumb fellow, it is contrary to the intuition but it is true.
The exception being kids, kids are the harderst to fool because they do not have shaped their minds yet to include some "rules" and "shortcuts" of assumptions.
Anyway this whole discussion is not the point.
The more I got serious about studing magic the more I HAD to branch out to other performing arts. If you want to be a trickster, the secrets are enough, but if you want to be an entertaining Magician, you have to study Comedy, Theatre, Acting, Directing, Writing, Psychology and so much more.
And I did, I have started to branch out, I studied comedy and even went on stage at the Camel Comedy Club one night, I plan to start attending a workshop on acting in the near future and I have been writing short stories for a while some time ago.
I also constructed three acts in the past.
A one and a half hour pseudo gambling expose which I performed once and was very fun.
A twenty minutes stand up magic act which included a card vanishing and reappearing in my shoe, included a special wand named "The Ginny XP4++" and some other oddities. That was very fun, I performed it maybe six seven times for different groups and I had quite a lot of fun with it.
Then there was that other act which I won't go into.
All those previous acts were good and each one was better from the preceeding one.
Now, I am going all the way to construct and do a new tabled act.
This is by far the most grandioz project I have ever tried.
It took me about two months to decide about the material I'll be performing.
Then It took me some time to create some small props and now I am in the script writing stage.
In the past month and a half I have written about 80% of the script and it is comming along real nice and slow.
It will take 25 minutes, more or less. Let's just call it an even half hour.
I think I will be updating you with how this project comes along, just so I would have a feeling of "reporting" something.
After writing the script I will have to start learning the script by heart and then rehearse sections of it and finally the whole thing at once.
Don't jump of your wagen yet, after that I'll have to film myself rehearsing and then watch the act and analize what I see from the audiance standpoint. Then I'll have to reajust the script and/or movements and rehearse it all again in the new way and then repeat the process until I no longer feel weird seeing myself on the screen.
(I already caught a glimps of myself performing on camera and... I just look weird, It's not me! it's some weird looking strange sounding dude!)
mm... I realize I will have to invest a lot more work into this baby, but I think I will be proud of it at the end.
You can reserve a private free performance, but it will take some time until it's ready.
I'll need some folks to see it and give me their full head on direct real criticism about what they saw, since there will always be something that I will not be able to see since it's my creation and I am a little bit biased.
That's all.
So 80% on the script,
50% of the props.
Heading on.