Back from the Sick

Oct 05, 2005 22:48

I have returned in good form after my bout of the flu or the cold or (insert viral infection of your choice). It all started when I got that scratchy feeling in the back of my neck when I woke up - I think that's one of the worst feelings, it's not so much the pain or discomfort but rather the anticipation of clogged nasal passages and sleepless nights yet to come. But I'm on the road to recovery now and I'm in top form if I do say so myself. I'm enjoying my Fall semester of classes which I thought would be much more difficult since I'm taking 19 credits (6 classes) but so far the work load hasn't been overly difficult and I have a lot of free time on my hands.
I guess if there's one thing I've been doing a lot of (besides the sniffling, coughing, and taking NyQuil) it would be reading - I've polished off 3 plays and cracked a few textbooks. I used to not be a fond reader but since I've been forced to read in college my WPM (that's words per minute!) has increased dramatically and I'm quite pleased. I feel that my written English has improved as well. In other news I'm taking a Production Workshop class this term where we have to pitch ideas for a film and then write a script and then we will work in groups and someone will be given the role as director, producer, editor, gaffer, etc. I'm excited about it and I'm in the process of writing a script right now. Well I better head out of here, I've got some stuff to do around the new place. Goodbye fellow readers.
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