May 26, 2005 20:14
Sitting alone facing the window I gaze out at the young woman and child approaching my suburban home. I feel down in my seat towards the hard metal wheels at my sides. My bony wrinkly hands, once young and smooth, push the wheels bacwards and then forwards on the carpet covering the living room. Bang Bang. "Grandpa, I know you're in there! I saw you in the window." I push my wheelchair close against the wooden door and move my shaking hands slowly to turn and open the door to my family. "Dad, are you?" "Hi, grandad! Did you see I got this blue balloon from the fair?" Gesturing for them to come in I reply: "How's my favorite daughter-in-law doing? And Johnny, you grow about a foot taller everytime I see you!" We move into my living room, and Debra and Johnny sit down on the reddish sofa across from the television. I wheel my way across the carpet so that I face the two of them. "Grandpa what's that thing behind you?" Glancing back over my shoulder I see he's pointing to the Sony Television. I laugh and hit the TV on the top. "Well this hear my boy is a television, also known as a TV. Back in my day we used to watch shows and movies we even had what were called DVDs, hah oh those were the days." Johnny walks slowly across the carpet, crouches down in front of the television, inspecting it from every angle and laughs. "Johnny, leave Grandpa's stuff alone. Come over here and sit next to Mommy." "Oh let him be, he's not doing any harm," I soothe her nerves. Without warning Johnny jumps into my lap and screams "Let's go for a ride Grandpa!" I laugh at the boy but stay in my seat. "Now Johnny, you know how Grandpa's knees are. I'm afraid I can't take you anywhere." Sliding down he feels the metal wheels and exclaims: "Why do you have to sit in that thing all the time?" "Well Johnny, back when I was a kid I had a lot of energy, just like you. I would always jump around, do flips, and run for no reason. I drove my mother nuts. It wasn't 'til I got to college that I realized that I couldn't put as much strain on my body like I used to. Oh, I still enjoyed running down steps, jumping up and down, and doing somersalts in my apartment hallway, but around my second year of school my knees started to get tired and before you knew it I couldn't walk too well soon after graduation." Johnny looks at me kinda funny and I smile. "So that's my lesson to you Johnny - enjoy your youth, but be easy on your knees and on your body in general for that matter. Don't be like your old grandfather here." "Oh, I won't grandpa!" Johnny runs across the room and jumps into his mother's lap.
I had a vision last night about being an old man and being in a wheel chair and having my family come to visit me. In particular I dreamt about my knees giving out, probably because my knees have been a little sore lately. I run up stairs 2 by 2, I jump up concrete barriers, and balance on curbs like I'm some super hero or something. I'm not a kid anymore, but I still have that desire to just climb a tree when I see one or do jumping jacks when I feel like doing them. I guess you always keep the kid inside of you, I mean I'd like to think so. I hope to be 70 years-old and still climbing trees or playing around and having fun. I don't want to stay home all day and eat three meals, watch television shows, and complain about the weather and planes flying overhead.
The last fews days have been fun. I'll start with the screening I went to on Tuesday. I saw this movie "Pizza" and it was pretty funny and it was cool that I got to sit next to the director. It was the same guy that directed the movie "Studio 54." I almost felt like leaning over and saying "Can I be in one of your movies?! Please..." Then on Wednesday I purchased a childhood relic: the first season of Batman the Animated Series. I remember back in the day when my brother and I would watch the show every day after school. It came on at 4:30, I still remember that! It's a great show and the music is awesome - it's funny how you still remember things. Watching these episodes I still remember seeing them for the first time on TV, it's a great feeling. Well I guess I better wrap this up. I have to write a paper for my American Lit. class, since next week is: THE LAST WEEK OF CLASSES! Hallelujah! I said can I get an Amen my brother and sister! The Lord Jesus has raised you up and you are saved! Take me to the promised land! Haha, until next time...