Heart of Darkness Tomasettiesque style

May 09, 2005 19:52

"You give me that story on Michael Tomasetti or you're fired!" Don Watson, a large, foreboding man, who's mere presence was enough to make any average street walker divert his eyes to the ground upon his sight, screamed at his employee Sherman Henderson. Sherman Henderson steadied his eyes on the stack of papers resting peacefully on his wooden desk. The words "Lycem Corporations" danced on his computer screen monitor. The seventeen letters bounced off the sides off the monitor, as if trying to break free and burst out into the open space but being constantly diverted and kept safely inside the confines of the 16" screen. "Yessir." Henderson mutterly wearily under his breath, but loud enough for Watson to snort with approval and walk away from the small man's desk. The pounding of Watson's heavy footsteps could still be heard as Henderson flipped carelessly through a manilla folder containing maps of the Amazon forest, and several pictures of a clean cut, well dressed man. The folder was worn and several of the documents showed signs of spaghetti sauce, coffee, and ink stains. Notes had been written on the underside of the folder and several phrases had been circled and highlighted. Henderson moved his hand to the side of the monitor and flicked the mouse gently. The "Lycem Corporations" screen saver vanished, revealing streaky white clouds, numerous palm trees, and azure waters lapping slowly at a peach sand coast. He clicked on a word document resting on the coast, and reread what he had written before:

"Although presumed dead by American authorities, several locals have given many sightings of the man they call "Mokimbu" or "Spirited one." Tomasetti went missing after a mission in the Brazilian rain forest last December, a new search has been set up by his family to invoke questioning in the still mysterious circumstances surrounding his dissapearance in hopes that they will finally come to a conclusion..."


Ok, that's Part I of this story, for Part II, please send checks, cash, or credit cards to P.O. Box 543 San Diego, CA 195... just kidding. I hate those books especially self-help books who try to get you to buy their other series. Granted they are trying to push their agenda and get more sales, but I really hate when people try to push themselves, their ideas, or anything on you. I despise people who tell me what to do. Sometimes it's enough to make me wanna just stand up and belt Sinatra's "My Way" at the top of my lungs.
Well today has been a very unproductive but extremely relaxing day. Last weekend was pretty exhausting, from 3 days straight of Cabaret, to drunken debauchery, and little sleep I've been pretty exhausted lately. After class today I slept for 3.5 hours then I loafed around, ate dinner, and then went online.
I'm starting to get really antsy, like I feel like there's not enough time in the day to do everything I want and I have so many plans of cool and fun stuff that I want to do but I don't get around to it. I feel like someone's holding an hourglass and when the hourglass empties I'll have no more time left in life to do anything yet I'm sometimes distracted at watching the sand enter the funnel and pour smoothly out onto the other side that I miss the chance to do things that I really want to do. Can you live both outside and inside your life at the same time? Who knows? It seems ironic that the more I learn, education wise, the more questions I have rather than answers. LIFE: WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN? Well I sign off to you all as one man searching for life's answers in a livejournal post. :) GOOOOOODBYEEEEEE!!
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