I have tried multiple times to type what I need to say and nothing seems right. I figured this would just make it easier, so I could get all of my thoughts out easily.
- Darren and I broke up a few weeks ago
- People (including my parents) need to stop asking me if I am okay
- Awkwardness is abundant in my life
- I might not graduate if I can't get a class they aren't offering
- I have decided what I plan on doing for my Senior Capstone project
- I am back at Target on Friday's and Saturday's
- Having a crush on someone I work with, but who is currently dating someone sucks
- Having a crush on someone who is to busy to understand you have wanted to date them for two years sucks
- Being alone in my room a lot is starting to get to me, I am not good at going out though
- Thinking about going back into therapy, but as I am taking an intro to counseling class, I know a lot of the techniques so I would just analyze the techniques being used
- The stress of SA is starting to get to me again, I really hate how divided everything there is
- I don't feel that anything I do is making me happy right now and I don't even know what that really is
- I need a vice
- Cuddling would be so appreciated right now, but there are no prospects anywhere in my future