Nov 11, 2006 19:59
Not a whole lot going on lately, but enough to keep me busy. I have 9 days left before I leave! Dang, I'm down to single digits now! w00t! So yesterday and today I helped out my parents with cleaning up the yard for winter. Putting all of the outdoor stuff away like chairs and all the other things my mom has around the yard. Also, getting rid of old plants that died. I was doing the most hard job, that is in actual physical work. So, I got to dig a hole. 5 really. Not huge, and shouldn't be that big of a deal, but it was on the parts that we used to have huge trees about 6 years ago or so. So I had to get the pick axe on most of the holes and chop away at the stumps and pick out the rot and the rest of it. Lots of good ol' work. lol. It was nice since I'm seeing the hardening of my arm muscles. Of course, working at the lumber yard helped that as well. So now my arm actually shows a hump on my bicep when I flex. It's pretty cool. lol. I haven't had that since I regularly worked out last winter. Sad I let myself go like that. Now, I am leaving and won't be able to go to a gym. I'll be walking lots so my legs are going to get pretty muscular, but my upper body will be neglected somewhat, so I'm gonna try to actually train myself to just do 15 minutes of pushups and situps in the morning when I get up. Hopefully that will work. lol. Knowing me, it may not, but I'm gonna have to discipline myself in other areas, it just might actually happen. I want to be able to just keep up my upper body strength to a point that I can defend myself if needed. So anyways. I've been busy downloading lots of music again since I have had access to wireless again yesterday and today. It's been nice. Last night I went to the movies with Matt and Dan and hung out with them for a bit afterwards. We went to see Harsh Times. It was alright. Nothing great, but meh. It had action and whatnot so it was pretty decent, but not my favorite movie of all time of course. Dan invited me over to his place to (as he put it) "kick back some brews", but I declined knowing my idiotic potential and went home early. Good guys, but I didn't want to put myself in a place where I knew I could be influenced in a bad way and do something stupid. Gotta keep clean now! lol. So anyways, I think I'll go watch tv or something for a bit. Lata homies!