Sep 20, 2006 16:49
It has recently come to my attention that South Carolina is the greatest state in the Union. I thought I would share that with all y'all.
Things are going well here, really well. I'm loving life, loving friends, loving just about everything.
The most exciting news that I can think of is the fact that I am soon to be on the payroll for the Gamecock (school paper) as a staff writer. Well, I guess it's not guaranteed yet, but it sure sounded like it was as near a sure thing as you could get. I think that's awesome and I'm really excited about that. I'm having a really fun time writing for the paper.
I had my first column the other day and I've had one more since then. For those of you that don't know, I've been writing articles for the paper since last year. However, articles are straight information, whereas columns are your opinion. So really for the first time I got my writing out there to broad audience. It's really exciting to think about how many people may have read those columns and gotten an insight into me.
Even still it kinda gives me a rush to think about it. I know that's a little stupid to say, but it's just what I've felt like I'm going to be doing with my life. All of a sudden, I'm actually doing it. I'm conveying myself, my thoughts, my opinions and my humor to all these people and they're reading it. That's exciting to me, really exciting.
In the same vein, but different tune. I'm so freaking busy. I'm surprised that I'm sitting here writing this entry right now. I have no idea what possessed me to write, but I'm doing it nonetheless. I'm really not going to have any time until next week sometime. I'm going up to Winthrop with Kendall to see some peeps tomorrow, spending the night up there and driving back down for class Friday morning.
I love our living arrangements right now. Spending time with the guys is great. We just sit around and talk about the most absurd things you can imagine and it is great, great, great.
Anyways, I don't really have anything else to say, but everything is going great. I guess I just felt a little obligated to drop in and tell y'all how I'm doing. Not obligated, I wanted to.
I looked back at the entries from last year at this time, versus the ones that I've written this year. And I'm pleased with the differences. Very pleased.
Alrighty, I'm peacing out.
12 days till I'll want to keep you right by my side to hold off tidal waves