Apr 24, 2006 17:12
I had a great story for y'all about what I did Sunday afternoon. Maybe I'll finish it sometime this week and let you read it. However, right now I have bigger fish to fry.
Things kinda got worked out on the homefront yesterday. I think that I made some mistakes that caused some things to go awry. I wish that it had never happened, but you live and then you learn right?
Last night we made a trip to Waffle House. At about one in the morning. That of course, is always a good idea, however, we could never have seen coming what happened last night.
We met Roy. I don't know Roy's last name and I probably never will. I don't think that Roy works at that Waffle House so I may never see him again. However, he changed my life forever.
Roy is probably the most sane, insane person, that I have ever met. I don't think that makes any sense, but try and follow me here. I'm trying to say that he is most likely insane, however, he could pass for being sane if he really wanted to. The stuff that came out of this man's mouth are things that you will never believe.
Try a couple on for size:
Him: Do you know who Julius Caesar is closely related to? This is a prominent historical figure.
Us: We give up.
Him: Jesus Christ.
Us: ..................
He tried to tell me about how there are innapropriate relationships in all of Shakespeare's works. I asked him about Macbeth.
Him: Macbeth was gay.
Me: Oh really?! I actually must have missed that part of the play.
Him: It isn't in the play.
Me: ...............
And on and on. I can't believe some of the crap that man spewed out, you probably woudn't believe it if I told you everything but it changed me forever.
We got back at three and I went to bed and I am freaking exhausted, but I wanted to stop and reflect on something.
I have officially finished my freshman year. This is scary. I am a quarter of the way through college and on to going to a world where I will have to talk with grown ups pretty much everyday. This is also scary because I can literally feel my youth slipping out of my fingers. I talked with Silvia today about how we would have to start thinking about internships soon, about how weird it is to go back and live in our parents' houses and things like that.
I don't really like it that much. I mean, I love that things are changing, love the people that I'm meeting and the experiences that I'm getting. At the same time, I don't love it, what will life be like after school? As quick as this year has gone by and all the people that I have met and hung out with... Will it all change that much over the next three year?
And this is what I'm talking about, I just wrote over the next FOUR years instead of three, I still feel like I haven't been in college but a couple of months, yet, I have so little time is left. The other night I told Kendall that "time was on our side," just as a joke. She looked back at me and said, "No, it's not." I agree.
It's like Hootie always says. Time... why do you punish me? Time keeps moving on and on and I feel like I'm getting left behind, no, not left behind. Swept up. That there is nothing I can do to slow it down. That's not cool, I like to have a level of control and be able to affect things, but I can't change time, there is nothing I can do. I just sit and watch as the hours pass and the days turn into weeks.
Scary man... scary.
Oh well, class is over, I gotta buckle down for finals, I could come out with three or four A's. That would be exciting wouldn't it?
I miss y'all. All of you. Let me make this understood, if you're reading this right now. Whether I know it or not, then I miss you. I wish I could see you guys more often, but time only allows so much.
7 days till I'll be faded from the winter