Aug 11, 2004 21:16
Today sucked... Major Nuts... I went over ~~~~~~~ house. She told me she wanted to hang out with me after our lil talk last night. So i did to be nice. I told a friend of mine how I really felt, and promised i wouldn't do what i didn't want to... I BROKE THE DAMN PROMISE!!! We didn't do much, but a little was way too much. I don't like her like that... I just want to be good friends with her. And now i feel like an asshole... My heart is being torn apart to shreds like office paper through a shreddar. It hurts. What hurts more is I feel like i let my friend down who i really like. IM NOT LIKE THIS!!! I'm not the guy that does deceiving shit and breaks promises. Friends mean sooo much to me. It's one of the things I want MOST... My childhood sucked cuz I had no friends. I was made fun of. Beat up for being a "loser", kids threatened to kill me i was so "gay." My life sucked. I wanted to kill myself and came close many times... I'd look in the mirror and ask why I was so ugly. I was afraid to go to school. I had no one except my mom. And now I have friends and a simple promise made was broken. IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN!!! I MEAN IT!!!