Mar 08, 2007 11:59
My subconsious is trying to tell me something. I have no idea what that something may be though, so I'll just relate what my dream was last night and open the floor for some psychoanaly-neanerneanering, (Its totally a real word, I swear.)
Allright, while I can't remember exactly how it began I can tell you that my family and I were being held prisoner. Now, it wasn't iron bars and cement. It was more of a "The Prisoner" sort of prison where you could walk about, but couldn't leave a certain area. Anyhow, we were being escourted throughout the area and we came to this jungle loft sorta thing. It was a resturant that was up in the trees, which was very cool looking btw. Anyhow, at the entrance to the resturant was the skeleton of an Asian Elephant draped in what I first took as its old skin, but to my surprise was actually a type of canvas that has just aged something fierce. I noticed under the "skin" instead of bones there was clockwork, springs, cogs, that sort of thing, arranged like bones inside. I GEEKED OUT. HARD. I started pulling on the fabric, checking how the thing worked and what needed to be fixed.
There was more that happened, but the clockwork Elephant was by far the treat. I think my subconsious agrees that Steampunk is perhaps the best thing to happen since sliced atoms! Bees Knees! Its either that or its telling me that sucking on 100 year old brass may not be the best thing to do before bed. (I kid, I didn't suck on brass... but I can dream.)
*Note, if this seems disjointed its because I started writing it yesterday but was constantly interupted by stuff.