it's just dawned on me that i've been eating like a twat recently and
that it's left me feeling really big and really unhealthy. as of
now, that's done with. no pizza, no chicken, no chips, no
burgers. tomorrow, i'm buying fruit and vegetables and i'm gonna
re-reduce portion sizes, which seem to have sky rocketed again.
health is the name of the game from now on and i demand help along the
way. also, i didn't wash my face properly for a few days and now
i have a shitted up face. bugger
going down the windmill tomorrow to check it out. bit nervous
about brixton at night on my own to be honest, but i've gotta check the
venue out properly. on the night, there'll be billions of us, so
it'll be no worries, but on my own tomorrow is a bit scary, even though
it's just off a main road. if anyone wants to come see the The
Crimea (new band of the crocketts), that'd be super rad
the first flyer for the gig is also done. anyone wishing to pimp
it around their manor would be an awesome of the highest degree