Just in case I haven't said so before: best. summaries. ever.
Thanks. This is important to me, because you're one of the precious few people around who can fully appreciate a Harry Potter review crammed to the gills with DBZ injokes.
I like HBP and all, but you can probably skip right over the middle without missing much. That's sorta my strategy for most of the HP books, actually.
Yeah, I'm starting to understand no how everyone can go "I finished the book in five hours!" right after buying it. Of course, if I tried that, everyone would tell me I couldn't make any snap judgements until I'd pored over the entire thing.
DBZ injokes make everything better. So do missile-firing robots.
I think most people (and by "most people" I mean "me") got through it so quickly because right around the middle you start realizing that shit it's 4 a.m. and the sentences all start running together and you lose track of the plot threads and go make yourself a nice snack instead of worrying about the damn book. Then the caffeine high hits right around the end, so you're awake for the exciting bits.
I get the DBZ injokes too (I even got the "Visions of Naked Vegeta and Barduck" ref), which is odd, seeing how I haven't watched the show in ages; I even considered the 9-episode long fight against Sensui in YYH to be excessive.
I must be one of the freaks who finished the book in three-four days. Though I, too, was speeding through the second half, partly because of the filler, and partly because the endgame scenario demands rapid consumption.
I like HBP and all, but you can probably skip right over the middle without missing much. That's sorta my strategy for most of the HP books, actually.
Thanks. This is important to me, because you're one of the precious few people around who can fully appreciate a Harry Potter review crammed to the gills with DBZ injokes.
I like HBP and all, but you can probably skip right over the middle without missing much. That's sorta my strategy for most of the HP books, actually.
Yeah, I'm starting to understand no how everyone can go "I finished the book in five hours!" right after buying it. Of course, if I tried that, everyone would tell me I couldn't make any snap judgements until I'd pored over the entire thing.
I think most people (and by "most people" I mean "me") got through it so quickly because right around the middle you start realizing that shit it's 4 a.m. and the sentences all start running together and you lose track of the plot threads and go make yourself a nice snack instead of worrying about the damn book. Then the caffeine high hits right around the end, so you're awake for the exciting bits.
I must be one of the freaks who finished the book in three-four days. Though I, too, was speeding through the second half, partly because of the filler, and partly because the endgame scenario demands rapid consumption.
Ya. Hi. I'll go now. :3
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