The game of seven
-- People can only play when tagged
-- You can make up new questions, delete questions, add questions, or keep the same, whatever.
-- The people you tag must add one more then what you have
Tagged by
chrise Six Different Places You'd Like To Live:
[x] New Zealand
[x] America
[x] Australia
[x] Canada
[x] Wales
[x] Korea
Six Celebrities You Think Are Swell or HOT
[x] Bruce Lee
[x] Robert Rodriguez
[x] Bruce Willis
[x] Jet Li
[x] Peter Jackson
[x] Hideo Kojima
Six Amazing Things:
[x] Light
[x] Music
[x] High-Def digital cameras
[x] Light composition
[x] Work (well, my work)
[x] Fanta
Six things you don't like:
[x] The Harry Potter films
[x] Hollywood
[x] Chavs
[x] Electrical devices that turn on me
[x] Bigots
[x] Forum posters who either use no punctuation or 'lol' instead of full stops
Six words:
[x] Electomania
[x] Quality
[x] Pizza
[x] City
[x] Liquefy
[x] Beloved
Six Movies you like
[x] Sin City
[x] Fight Club
[x] Lord Of The Rings (x3)
[x] Equilibrium
[x] Star Wars
[x] Man On Fire
Six things am
[x] Mike
[x] Long-haired
[x] Bespectacled
[x] Easily persuaded
[x] Unfocused
[x] Aware
Six TV shows you like
[x] Futurama
[x] The Simpsons
[x] The Office
[x] Stand-up stuff
[x] Reality prank shows
[x] Celebrity Death Match
Six Favorite Musical People/Groups
[x] Muse
[x] The Servant
[x] Eels
[x] Lost Prophets
[x] The Flaming Lips
[x] Starsailor
Six Types of Music You Dig
[x] Random stuff
[x] Film/Game soundtracks
I would say more, but I'm terrible at classing music into 'styles'
Six Favorite Random things that have a special place in your heart
[x] Humour
[x] Internet sites/projects by people who have far too much time on their hands
[x] Treasure-hunt style riddles
[x] Cold Pizza
[x] Films
[x] Games
Six Things You Want to Do before you die
[x] Work in the film industry
[x] Appear on a film (cameo-style)
[x] become fluent in a new language
[x] learn an instrument
[x] make an awesome painting
[x] write a book
Six Things That You Love/Like About The Person Who Tagged You
[x] funny
[x] kinda random
[x] nice taste in music
[x] IT class
[x] Heard of some of the strange things I know about, kinda rare
[x] Brummie
Six Things That You Truly Believe
[x] Games can be art
[x] The internet will help us overthrow the powerful's control of information
I reckon that men and women are pretty much exactly the same, but never
realise it because they're obsessed with gender-associated activities
[x] Dogs can look up
[x] there's a reason for everything
[x] the world would be a far, far better place if people respected eachother more
Six Things I didn't do Today
[x] have a proper breakfast
[x] play playstation
[x] fall in the water
[x] break anything (I think)
[x] watch tv
[x] cut myself somehow
I'll tag whoever's on my list that chris hasn't tagged