Oct 04, 2007 19:04
Sometimes I wish I was a product of the mellow Midwest. I would be a totally different and maybe better person. After living in Chicago for only 4 months I have come to realize people here are more kind and also easier to get along with than people back in New England. There is no intricate explaination to this conclusion, it's simple. The people here grow up different and there is less bullshit to deal with, people just realize that some things aren't worth getting worked up about and that to be welcoming and kind to new people takes alot less energy than to give them a hard time. One if the most significant things I've learned here is that it takes alot more energy to fight than it does to just be a nice person and think things through before you act on your emotions, which is a great idea but for a person like me who's mind has been established with the fact that being a tough guy and never swallowing your pride is how you should always present yourself it is very hard to become that person. In the 4 months I've been in Chicago I believe I'm well on my way to becoming that person and I've even started to like myself alot more and I've gotten alot accomplished. I love the Midwest and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon, I could raise my family here.
I love my girlfriend and the life I have here with her, with some fine tuning it can be perfect.
I need to learn how to play guitar and sing, I really think it will complete my life. It's like I have these feelings and they need to be withdrawn from my body in some way other than unorganized screaming and crying. If I could do it through music I know I would change as a person.
Don't worry, be happy.