My week

May 21, 2004 08:25

Well damn I've been busy as fuck this whole week. I havent had a day of rest! School, work same old shit. So yeah my night class sucks ass, had a test on Wednesday I hope I got atleast a freaking C...Went to go my community hours for my education class yesterday at an elementary school. Had first grade, it was cool. The kids were funny as fuck....They we're learning about Johnny Appleseed. I read to them and stuff. Then left to work... Had was fun. By the end of the day I had this BIGG ass migrain and felt like throwing up. Got home said HI to mom...and then BAM! Ran to the toliet cause i was gonna puke my brains out!!! So i was done puking and went in my room got out of my crappy work clothes and went to bed. Woke up this morning to a bit of a headache and not wanting to go to school..So I didnt.. and Im here just chillin now. I miss Erika....I told her....she didnt really seem to care. Oh well. Letting your feelings show sucks....Probably will be the last time i do that! So today is Friday thankgod!!! Im gonna go skating this just have some damn fun! I deserve it! Ive been working like crazy; I havent stopped!! Blah!!! Well im outt!!! Im gonna go watch some TV then go get some gas...and pick up some coke and popcorn for my kids today...I promised them a movie today! I just wanna take it easy today, and well their leaving me soon so I have to make my time worth wild with them! Im gonna miss them!! =[ Im outt!!! Late!!
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