Pardon My Venting

Jul 08, 2009 14:17

And yes, I'm entirely aware I'm taking this too seriously. Not the point. Sh'up.

So I'm playing along on World of Warcraft, following my quest chains, and then one gets interrupted. I find the guy I'm supposed to find, and he's dying. There's an apothecary standing over him, who says "I think we can still save him" and gets the quest indicator...

-- And then a MOSTROUS POWERFUL PC from the other side jumps out of nowhere and kills them both (one-shots), and rides off.

Fine, okay. Stuff happens. I leave it be, and go back later.

AND IT HAPPENS AGAIN!!!!! With the same PC. Who this time keeps standing around to make sure that they don't respawn while I'm there.

Okay, seriously. This PC is at least level 60, how crucial is it for them to kill a level 11 questgiver? TWICE????

That, combined with getting in a bit over my head, kind of ruined fun for me, and seriously grouchied me.
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