
Sep 07, 2004 19:33

Me been liek weird lately. Lots of my thoughts abot things are changing and what not I dunno why. It's all changing so quickly I dont understand what is going on. I mean theres things I dont wanna do but that I feel i have to and what not. I dunno but i'll talk bout this subject in a later post.

FINALLY i went back to the gym today. First time in ages. I didnt do any weights tho. All i did today was cardio. I was there for about 45 minutes and then I walked home so all in all it was a good workout day. Tomorrow i'll go back and do weights and what not. Then the next day Cardio and etc. you get my drift. I really need to start dropping the fat and gaining a lot more muscle because it's very important to me that I am in better shape. So now for those of you noticing I havent been eating as much it's because I want to loose weight. Even tho I've only lost like 2-3 lbs since friday which actually I guess isnt that bad.

No homework monce again. Aint I lucky as hell. I am never getting homework. Thats a reward for being dumb. GO DUMB PEOPLE! School is easy but boring as hell but i'd ather have it be easy then be in accel. In gym we started soccer. USA shoudl change soccer's name to football and footballs name to soccer. it makes more sense. Or is it just me? Well who cares if I think it works it works. Three day weekend was fun. Saturday and Sunday I hung out with Tonia and Amanda in Countryside. Walked both times. It was fun. i hurt my foot but it got better. Damn you amanda! Then on Monday I just relaxed and did nothing. Slept, rested whatever it's all good.

I asked Tonia to homecoming. She said maybe because she thinks she might go with this other guy because she mentioned it to him or summin like that. I dont know. I hope she says yes. if she says no then there is a good chance that I may not go. I mean she's the second one I've asked and people will know that because of this journal and then if i keep asking people will go: "Why didnt you ask me first" and what not so I dunno.

I talked to beth today on the fone on my long walk home. Havnt actually talked to her for a while. it was fun. She said there was summin important she wanted to ask me but she couldnt remember. Who knows whats going on I sure dont. It was good to talk to her again. I cant belive Kim allready got 2 tickets. One for going the wrong way down a one way street and another for having 3 people in the car. Good going kim.*stands up and gives her a applause*

Well people I dont know what else to say. OH! I made a new buddy profile. go to that. Take the poll, quiz and sign my guestbook. Untill next time.

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