Dec 11, 2004 20:18
[x] Name: Mike
[x] Birthdate: July 15
[x] Birthplace: a hospital dont remember which
[x] Current Location: LGP
[x] Eye Color: bluish
[x] Hair Color: brown
[x] Righty or Lefty: Righty
[x] Zodiac Sign: Cancer
[x] Innie or Outtie: Innie
[x] The shoes you wore today: i didnt wear shoes
[x] Your fears: needles
----WHAT IS----
[x] Your most overused phrase/word on aim: i dunno
[x] Your thoughts first waking up:
[x] The first thing you notice in the opposite sex: Well, what they look like, but I judge based on their overall personality.
[x] Your best physical feature: My eyes, nuttin else is that good...besides I have a low body fat percent..wanna know how low jsut ask
[x] Your bedtime: whenever i am tired
[x] Your most missed memory(ies): knowing that sum1 loved me
----YOU PREFER----
[x] Pepsi or Coke: pepsi...i gotta cut down on sodas tho
[x] McDonald's or Burger King: McDonalds
[x] Single or group dates: usually single dates cuz u dont have to worry about talkin bout summin your not supposed to in front of the other couple
[x] Adidas or Nike: nike
[x] Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
[x] Cappuccino or coffee: cocoa!
----DO YOU----
[x] Smoke: hell no!
[x] Cuss: you bet your mother fucking ass I cuss bitch!
[x] Take a shower: yes
[x] Have a crush(es): yes
[x] Who are they: Fuck i've answerd this in like the last 3 surveys...and everyone knows by now newayz
[x] Do you think you've been in love?: yes and I may be in love now even if the other person doesnt love me
[x] Want to go to college: maybe
[x] Like high school: meh the work part no...seeing my friends yea
[x] Want to get married: yep
[x] Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: maybe i dont know what fingers go on which keys anywayz
[x] Believe in yourself: I wish i could
[x] Get motion sickness: i used 2 not sure bout it anymore
[x] Think you're a health freak: nope
[x] Get along with your parents: not really
[x] Like thunderstorms: yea
[x] Play an instrument: nope
[x] Go to the mall: no
[x] Eaten sushi: Never in my life.
[x] Been on stage: yep a few times
[x] Been dumped: usually am
[x] Gone skating: yea
[x] Made homemade cookies: My version of homeade is taking them out of the package and putting them into the oven.
[x] Dyed your hair: nope
[x] Stolen anything: who hasnt
[x] Flown on a plane: yea
[x] Missed school because it was raining?: no...i wish
[x] Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: yes
[x] Cried during a Movie?: no
[x] Ever thought an animated character was hot?: no
[x] Had an imaginary friend: No actually. I always had enough REAL friends.
[x] Cut your hair: Yeah
[x] Had crush on a teacher?: No
[x] Been caught "doing something": no....everyones sleeping..i do that shit before school...i mean jk?
[x] Been called a tease:nope
[x] Gotten beat up ?: nope
[x] Been in a fight: yea and I won dat shit!
[x] Regretted dumping an ex?: yes I have
----THE FUTURE----
[x] Age you hope to be married: Anywhere in my twenties.
[x] Numbers and Names of Children: 2 and i dunno
[x] Descibe your Dream Wedding: sumwhere in front of the sunset(wow I'm lame)
[x] How do you want to die?: in my sleep having sweet dreams
[x] What do you want to be when you grow up?: wrrestler...or summin to do with the wrestling business
[x] Best eye color: Green, and blue
[x] Best hair color: Brown, brownish blondish
[x] Short or long hair: Long
[x] Best height: a little shorter then me
[x] Best weight: I don't care.
[x] Best first kiss location: long as it's good
-----NUMBER OF----
[x] Number of boyfriends/girlfriends you've had: 6 maybe...too lazy to count...sum i've dated twice
[x] Number of drugs taken illegally: Zero.
[x] Number of people I could trust with my life: DTA....i dunno
[x] Number of piercings: none
[x] Number of tattoos: 5.......jk none
[x] Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: the time when I had to go to court for homicide...i was innocent!
[x] Number of scars on my body: A ton.
[x] Number of things in my past that I regret: crap thats too many to count
----RIGHT NOW----
[x] Wearing: wrestling sweat pants and a Y2J shirt
[x] Drinking: Nothing.
[x] Thinking about: sum1
[x] Listening to: Viva La Bam
----IN THE LAST 24 HRS----
[x] Cried: Nope.
[x] Worn jeans: no
[x] Met someone: no
[x] Drove a car: No
[x] Talked on the phone: yep
[x] Do you ever wish you had another name?: no
[x] Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: i wish :(
[x] Which one of your friends acts the most like you?: i dunno
[x] Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Adam
[x] Are you close to any family member?: Not really
[x] Who do you hang around the most?: Adam
[x] Who do you talk to on the phone the most?: tonia
[x] When have you cried the most: i dont really cry...i cried when my g'ma died a few years ago other then that i dunno
[x] What's the best feeling in the world?: when your in love with somebody
[x] Worst Feeling?: being in love with somebody but knowing that you'll never have a chance no matter what you do