Nov 26, 2004 11:19
Got this from brian Gorie....he's a wrestler for those of you who dont know. here I go and oh yeah day 7 bitch!
x. Slept in your bed: me
x. Saw you cry: My family at a funeral.
x. Made you cry: a death
x. Spent the night with: adam
x. You shared a drink with: few peoples
x. You went to the movies with: dont go to movies much
x. You went to the mall with: dont go to malls much
x. Sent you an email: Adam
x. You kissed: your mom.
x. Said "I Love You" and meant it: yea
x. Gotten in a fight with your pet: i dont like my dog
x. Been to New York: no
x. Florida: yep
x. California: no
x. Hawaii: no
x. Mexico: no
x. China: no
x. Canada: no
x. Danced naked: Yeah, but nobody paid me money :(
x. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day: Probably, but nothing comes to mind
x. Wish you were the opposite sex: Nope
x. Had an imaginary friend: no
x. Red or blue: Red
x. Spring or Fall: Spring
x. Are you bored: yes thats why i am doing ths
x. Last noise you heard: A wrestling MV i am watching
x. Last time you went out of the state: over the summer for a brewers/cubs game
x. Do you have a crush on someone: Absolutely
x. What book are you reading now: none
x. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up: where am I
x. How many rings before you answer: depends who it is
x. Future daughter's name: dunno
x. Future son's name: dunno
x. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: no
x. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be: Wrestling
x. Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous: right
x. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys: doubt it but I dont give a flying fuck...prolly do
x. What's under your bed: old crap
x. Piercings: none
x. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: No gf/ and I am not gay so no bf
x. Do you do drugs: no
x. Do you drink: no to young
x. Who is your best friend: Adam
x. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use: Vive
x. What are you most scared of: dunno
x. What clothes do you sleep in: nike shorts and a white tee
x. Who is the last person who called you: Tonia
x. Where do you want to get married: sumwhere nice
x. Who do you really hate: annoying bitches
x. Favorite number: 9
x. What type automobile do you drive: dont have one...not even old enough to drive
x. Are you timely or always late: Both
x. Do you have a job: does skool count?
x. Do you like being around people: For the most part.
x. Best feeling in the world: dunno
x. Are you a health freak: no
x. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: dunno
x. Have you ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did: No
x. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: Maybe....sumtimes...i dunno
x. Ever afraid you'll never get married: No.
x. Ever want kids?: Eventually, but no time soon.
x. Room in house: basement
x. Type(s) of music: Rock, metal, alternative, sum oldie stuff(van halen, synard, zepplein, etc)
x. Band: Seether, The used
x. Memory: Damn. Too many. Not gonna pick one. Just can't.
x. Day of the week: when I have summin fun to do and not at school
x. Color: Black and red
x. Perfume or cologne: who cares
x. Cried: no
x. Bought something: no
x. Gotten sick: No.
x. Sung: yep
x. Said "I Love You": no
x. Met someone new: no
x. Moved on: whatcha mean?
x. Missed someone: no
x. Hugged someone: yes
x. Kissed someone: No
x. Fought with your parents: i always do
x. Dreamt about someone you can't be with: No
x. Had a lot of sleep: sorta...aint a long sleeper
been drunk - no
smoked pot - no
kissed a member of the opposite sex - Yes
kissed a member of the same sex - no
crashed a friend's car - no
ridden in a taxi - yes
had anal sex - No
been in love - Yes
had sex in public - no
been dumped - yes
shoplifted - yes
been fired -no
been in a fist fight - yea
pissed on myself - Yeah, peeing yourself is cool, maan. All the cool kids are doing it.
been arrested - Yes, sorta
made out with a stranger -
stole something from my job - no
celebrated new years in time square - no
gone on a blind date - no
lied to a friend - it happens
had a crush on a teacher - no
been to europe - no
skipped school - yes
cut myself on purpose - no
been married - nope
had children - nope
stripped at a party - is running down the street halfway naked count?
literally crawled to your house drunk, even if just from across the street - no
gone surfing - no
had a mullet - Mullets rule....but no
peed in public - yea