Oct 15, 2004 18:49
It doesn't take a genious to work out what the fuck is going on in this screwed school. Or maybe it does and that's why all you twats haven't managed to think of it for yourself.
The Slytherins. Stupid areseholes. The whole lot of them. It's their fault. It's obvious. They're doing it.
The Hufflepuffs are off being pathetic and the Gryffindors being "heroic". What a load of bollocks that is.
Ravenclaws are the only house that have an ounce of self respect. Due to our well superior intellect, we're the only ones who aren't totally freaking out about nothing.
Who cares if a few fucking cats have buggered off somewhere? And some Gryffindor lost his wand? Careless bastard.
Theyre nothing to bloody well freak out about. And Ravenclaws seem to be the only ones seeing that. I couldn't stick being in a different house. But then I guess I'd be so dumb I wouldn't realise.
I found Terry's trunk back in the dorm today. Terry must be coming back to Hogwarts. Knew the bugger couldn't stay away too long.