*snickering and giggling insanely*

Aug 08, 2007 10:05

Libra (10/2/1968)
August 8, 2007: Rejoicing is disturbingly linked to suffering. Your hand is heavy no matter how you use it. Don't attract attention unless you can handle being scolded for some real or imagined breach of the rules.

Love: you radiate confidence, and although you are extremely magnetic on these days, you could also be a bit intimidating as well; therefore, you'll have better results if you make the first move rather than wait for someone you're interested in to approach you.

Even with the current conflict between your head and your heart, you can still feel a deep sense of well-being that is most welcome in your life now. It doesn't matter what you should be doing today; self-indulgence may win out over your responsibilities. So, why bother fighting the inevitable? Go ahead and play today; life's too short not to enjoy it.
By Rick Levine
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

yeah.. that's it... "you'll have better results if you make the 1st move" must be astrologer-speak for "you'll finally succeed in shuffling off this mortal coil.. just piss of the wrong (or right as the case may be) straight boy"

as for the rest.. confidence? extremely magnetic, not just magnetic? well being? rejoicing? I don't subscribe for that horoscope... no need to bullshit me. Though I can understand the disturbing rejoicing/suffering.. cause if I start laughing right now.. I don't know that I'll be able to stop...
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