Feb 28, 2006 17:20
OK, it's almost time to leave for MarsCon, and I have gotten absolutely nothing ready yet. How unusual!
My son and I are flying out on Thursday afternoon, so we can spend Fri morning at the **MALL** - insert angelic singing here - and get our badges early b4 the lines.
My wife was going to fly up Fri to spend the weekend, but Hobo, our dog, is starting to cough and she's taking him to the vet tomorrow to see why. Possibly the boarding place won't take him and she'll stay home with him and our other dog Hailey.
This is looking to be the most awesomest MarsCon ever, and that is saying quite a bit as it is usually one of the most fun cons I go to in the year ... and I go to alot of cons!
School has unfortunately been taking the forefront lately as someone **coughcoughmykidcoughh** is letting his grades slide just a tad. Not bad, but I know he can do better. I think he's just getting tired of being in school already. Not that I blame him.
Well, hopefully I can make my son practice a time or two more so he'll be ready for the Buffy Shadowcast. We will see everyone there, and have a safe trip.