Mar 31, 2008 03:06
breaking my rule already! for shame!
this isn't going to work though, I can tell right now... I'm totally unfocused... I can't talk about life at 3 AM, just people... that's generally how it goes with me anyway
I'm all about person to person, not making grand statements on life and what to do with it... I want to know people... oregon is all well and good but I don't need it, I need new people... I need good people... it's all about who you know, everything else is icing
sometimes you need the icing though... but only sometimes
so yeah... you can throw all the ideas you like out there, but I know sooner or later I'll end up alone at 3 AM contemplating my navel... that's okay
you've got to feel the full spectrum of things y'know
you can't always burn, but you can smolder
so right, hit me up in the morning or whatnot since this will definitely NOT satisfy you!