8 lives left to go...

Apr 16, 2006 00:14

My poor cat, Domino, is in the hospital :( When I woke up on Friday morning, he was lying in his bed and not looking well at all. He was taking very shallow breaths and looking very gaunt and dried out. After making a few calls, my mom and I rushed him over to the Roseland Animal Clinic where they told us that he was extremely dehydrated. This didn't come as a huge shock because we had not seen him drinking very frequently over the past few days. The vet told us that he was going to have to admit Domino to the clinic and put in an IV to administer fluids to hydrate him. Before my mom and I left, the doctor took an x-ray that showed that Domino's stomach lining was ten times thicker than it should be and thats the reason why he hasn't been able to tolerate food well for the past few weeks. He started him on a heavy dose of antibiotics, antiemetics, and steroids to take down some of the inflammation in his stomach.

I've definitely experienced sad events in the past and I haven't always been able to squeeze out too many tears. Leaving Domino at the Clinic and not knowing whether he was going to pull through or not, made me cry buckets of tears :(

The next morning, the vet called us to give us Domino's blood test results. My mom and I were so sure they wouldn't be very promising, but we couldn't have been more wrong! His results showed that all of his vital organs are in good shape which is excellent news. To make matters better, the vet told us that Domino had his appetite back as he gobbled down a whole can of food that morning with several healthy gulps of water! :-D If things continue to improve, then we should be able to bring him home on Monday.

Domino has been with my family for almost ten years now and a lot has changed over that period. He's always helped us to adjust by asserting his friendly and warm nature. I can't stand the thought of coming home and not having him in the house. Right now, I'm thanking my lucky stars and anxiously awaiting Domino's homecoming on Monday!!
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